6(0) ways : artistic practice in culturally diverse times

A Western, modernist view of art continues to prevail, both in the art discourse and within the world of art institutions. This muddies our perspectives on diversity. Contemporary art practice is different, a practice that is not yet embedded in any clear-cut framework. This publication highlights different ways to shake off the modernist approach, or at least to question its premises, thereby establishing a new frame of reference for artistic practices that have already changed.

6(0) ways : artistic practice in culturally diverse times

A Western, modernist view of art continues to prevail, both in the art discourse and within the world of art institutions. This muddies our perspectives on diversity. Contemporary art practice is different, a practice that is not yet embedded in any clear-cut framework. This publication highlights different ways to shake off the modernist approach, or at least to question its premises, thereby establishing a new frame of reference for artistic practices that have already changed.