Vertical ecoinfrastructure : work of T.R. Hamzah & Yeang

Ecoinfrastructure is the continuous green subculture which runs throughout a building integrating inorganic mass with the organic content of the green ecoinfrastructure, imitating the balance of biotic with the abiotic constituents present in an ecosystem. The approach imitates an ecosystem in nature. The ecoinfrastructure may consist of several ecological components and devices, such as ecocells, vegetated ramps, vertical green walls, green sky-courts, roof gardens, and terraces. Features EDDIT Tower and Solaris in Singapore, and Spire Edge in India.

Vertical ecoinfrastructure : work of T.R. Hamzah & Yeang

Ecoinfrastructure is the continuous green subculture which runs throughout a building integrating inorganic mass with the organic content of the green ecoinfrastructure, imitating the balance of biotic with the abiotic constituents present in an ecosystem. The approach imitates an ecosystem in nature. The ecoinfrastructure may consist of several ecological components and devices, such as ecocells, vegetated ramps, vertical green walls, green sky-courts, roof gardens, and terraces. Features EDDIT Tower and Solaris in Singapore, and Spire Edge in India.