Next : collective housing in progress : density, intensity, uses, location, types, details

'Next : collective housing in progress' questions the programmatic complexity of contemporary architecture in its utmost urban implications. Although remarkably different in their approach, the projects now featured in this book carry the strong attempt to preserve the social qualities of architecture in a mutating economic environment. Variables like density, energy efficiency, transportation costs, new structures of technology and communications, all come into play in a conscious effort to redefine public life within the city. These are projects that seek to refill and regenerate the urban landscape, proposing programmatic indetermination, integration of social and cultural spaces, flexibility of uses and, ultimately, a call to intensity beyond density.

Next : collective housing in progress : density, intensity, uses, location, types, details

'Next : collective housing in progress' questions the programmatic complexity of contemporary architecture in its utmost urban implications. Although remarkably different in their approach, the projects now featured in this book carry the strong attempt to preserve the social qualities of architecture in a mutating economic environment. Variables like density, energy efficiency, transportation costs, new structures of technology and communications, all come into play in a conscious effort to redefine public life within the city. These are projects that seek to refill and regenerate the urban landscape, proposing programmatic indetermination, integration of social and cultural spaces, flexibility of uses and, ultimately, a call to intensity beyond density.