Creating spaces of freedom : culture in defiance

When faced with severe threats to their cultural free expression, people in the creative arts have sought alternative strategies and platforms. Whether Sudanese or Algerian, whether fleeing vicious civil wars or governmental oppression, unrecognized artists and musicians have found ways of avoiding limitations and transcending repercussions. Creating Spaces of Freedom reveals some of the alternative spaces where banned art seeks refuge, while continuing to communicate its inspiring message of freedom and hope.

Creating spaces of freedom : culture in defiance

When faced with severe threats to their cultural free expression, people in the creative arts have sought alternative strategies and platforms. Whether Sudanese or Algerian, whether fleeing vicious civil wars or governmental oppression, unrecognized artists and musicians have found ways of avoiding limitations and transcending repercussions. Creating Spaces of Freedom reveals some of the alternative spaces where banned art seeks refuge, while continuing to communicate its inspiring message of freedom and hope.