Avant-garde 1927-1937 : surréalisme et expérimentation dans le cinéma Belge = surrealisme en experiment in de Belgische cinema = surrealism and experiment in Belgian cinema

The debut films of Charles Dekeukeleire and Henri Storck, who would later become famous as documentary filmmakers, consisted of experiments, at the end of the 1920s, in search of a ‘pure cinema’. Collected together: Dekeukeleire’s COMBAT DE BOXE (1927), IMPATIENCE (1928), HISTOIRE DE DÉTECTIVE (1929), and VISIONS DE LOURDES (1932); Storck’s IMAGES D’OSTEND (1929), POUR VOS BEAUX YEUX (1929), HISTOIRE DU SOLDAT INCONNU (1932), and SUR LES BORDS DE LA CAMÉRA; along with films by the occasional surrealists Henri d'Ursel, LA PERLE (1929), and Ernst Moerman, MONSIEUR FANTÔMAS (1937); the works constitute the first generation in Belgian avant-garde cinema.

Avant-garde 1927-1937 : surréalisme et expérimentation dans le cinéma Belge = surrealisme en experiment in de Belgische cinema = surrealism and experiment in Belgian cinema

The debut films of Charles Dekeukeleire and Henri Storck, who would later become famous as documentary filmmakers, consisted of experiments, at the end of the 1920s, in search of a ‘pure cinema’. Collected together: Dekeukeleire’s COMBAT DE BOXE (1927), IMPATIENCE (1928), HISTOIRE DE DÉTECTIVE (1929), and VISIONS DE LOURDES (1932); Storck’s IMAGES D’OSTEND (1929), POUR VOS BEAUX YEUX (1929), HISTOIRE DU SOLDAT INCONNU (1932), and SUR LES BORDS DE LA CAMÉRA; along with films by the occasional surrealists Henri d'Ursel, LA PERLE (1929), and Ernst Moerman, MONSIEUR FANTÔMAS (1937); the works constitute the first generation in Belgian avant-garde cinema.