Luminale : Biennale der Lichtkultur = biennale Lighting culture : FrankfurtRheinMain, 11. - 16. April 2010

Artists, designers, performance and visual artists, VJs & DJs, architects and engineers have taken up Luminale’s offer to transform museums, galleries, industrial architecture, construction sites, churches, monuments, facades, squares and parks into an international lighting laboratory for the duration of the trade fair. Light + Sound, Light + Media, Light + E-Motion, these are the topics for Luminale 2010. Light moves, transforms atmospheres, brightens moods and feelings. Light installations open up public spaces and nightime environments. Light in combination with music and sound, film and movingpictures intensifies urban atmospheres which become unexpected experiences.

Luminale : Biennale der Lichtkultur = biennale Lighting culture : FrankfurtRheinMain, 11. - 16. April 2010

Artists, designers, performance and visual artists, VJs & DJs, architects and engineers have taken up Luminale’s offer to transform museums, galleries, industrial architecture, construction sites, churches, monuments, facades, squares and parks into an international lighting laboratory for the duration of the trade fair. Light + Sound, Light + Media, Light + E-Motion, these are the topics for Luminale 2010. Light moves, transforms atmospheres, brightens moods and feelings. Light installations open up public spaces and nightime environments. Light in combination with music and sound, film and movingpictures intensifies urban atmospheres which become unexpected experiences.