World-info-con 2002 : the network society of control : conference reader

"..... The continued importance of the issue of control over citizens and information in the network society prompted the construction of this dossier. The fight over freedom of information and intellectual property rights has become one of the prime sites of struggle in the network society. Because it remains completely unclear how to strike a proper balance between the accessibility of information resources, the rights of authors/creators, the rights of the mediators, the interests of the public, and the continued abuses of new copyright laws for censorship pruposes, all these issues will remain vital fuel for debate for a long time to come... ~~The power through property to produce a closed society - where to use an idea, to criticize a part of culture, to quote "Donald Duck," one will need the permission of someone else. Hat in hand, deferential, begging, a society where we will have to ask to use; ask to criticize; ask to deploy; ask to read; ask to browse; ask to do all those things that in a free society - in a society with an intellectual commons, in a society where no one man, or no corporation, or no soviet, controls - one takes for granted. ~~Lawrence Lessig - Reclaiming a Commons ....."

World-info-con 2002 : the network society of control : conference reader

"..... The continued importance of the issue of control over citizens and information in the network society prompted the construction of this dossier. The fight over freedom of information and intellectual property rights has become one of the prime sites of struggle in the network society. Because it remains completely unclear how to strike a proper balance between the accessibility of information resources, the rights of authors/creators, the rights of the mediators, the interests of the public, and the continued abuses of new copyright laws for censorship pruposes, all these issues will remain vital fuel for debate for a long time to come... ~~The power through property to produce a closed society - where to use an idea, to criticize a part of culture, to quote "Donald Duck," one will need the permission of someone else. Hat in hand, deferential, begging, a society where we will have to ask to use; ask to criticize; ask to deploy; ask to read; ask to browse; ask to do all those things that in a free society - in a society with an intellectual commons, in a society where no one man, or no corporation, or no soviet, controls - one takes for granted. ~~Lawrence Lessig - Reclaiming a Commons ....."