Village in the city

Village in the City looks at how villages become engulfed in urban centers as the population and geographic parameters of cities grow. Offering specifically a comparative analysis of how this process occurs throughout Asia, but with special attention to Chinese cities, this volume offers case studies focusing on Beijing, Guangzhou, New Delhi, and Hanoi. Academics and practicing architects from Europe and Asia contribute essays that look at the dynamics of inclusion/exclusion in Chinese urbanism, migrant residents in urban centers, and urban renewal. Far-ranging and rigorous, these original essays are supplements with over one hundred images.

Village in the city

Village in the City looks at how villages become engulfed in urban centers as the population and geographic parameters of cities grow. Offering specifically a comparative analysis of how this process occurs throughout Asia, but with special attention to Chinese cities, this volume offers case studies focusing on Beijing, Guangzhou, New Delhi, and Hanoi. Academics and practicing architects from Europe and Asia contribute essays that look at the dynamics of inclusion/exclusion in Chinese urbanism, migrant residents in urban centers, and urban renewal. Far-ranging and rigorous, these original essays are supplements with over one hundred images.