Binational urbanism : on the road to paradise

Never before was the mobility of individuals higher than today. People work and live not only in different places, but often even between different countries. 'Binational Urbanism' examines the way of living of people who start a second life in a second city in a second nation-state, without saying good-bye to their first city. They live in constant transit between two homes, between two countries. Binational urbanism has the potential to become one of the most interesting forms of life in the twenty-first century.

Binational urbanism : on the road to paradise

Never before was the mobility of individuals higher than today. People work and live not only in different places, but often even between different countries. 'Binational Urbanism' examines the way of living of people who start a second life in a second city in a second nation-state, without saying good-bye to their first city. They live in constant transit between two homes, between two countries. Binational urbanism has the potential to become one of the most interesting forms of life in the twenty-first century.