Aldo van Eyck : seventeen playgrounds Amsterdam

With his distinctive playground designs, Dutch architect Aldo van Eyck has left his mark on generations of children growing up in Amsterdam. An important aspect of his designs is his strive to stimulate the imagination and ingenuity of the child, which is visible in the minimalistic shapes of the play equipment. In order to give the Amsterdam children their own recognizable domain, Van Eyck developed a web of over seven hundred playgrounds scattered across the city. Of these hundreds of playgrounds you nowadays only find a few remaining play elements that have to share their space with new play equipment, many have completely disappeared and only seventeen playgrounds are still intact. The booklet 'Aldo van Eyck, Seventeen Playgrounds' is a pocket size tour guide that brings you to seventeen remaining playgrounds in the centre of Amsterdam. While you are moving from one playground to the next, you will get to know more about the city, Aldo van Eyck and his ideas about designing for children.

Aldo van Eyck : seventeen playgrounds Amsterdam

With his distinctive playground designs, Dutch architect Aldo van Eyck has left his mark on generations of children growing up in Amsterdam. An important aspect of his designs is his strive to stimulate the imagination and ingenuity of the child, which is visible in the minimalistic shapes of the play equipment. In order to give the Amsterdam children their own recognizable domain, Van Eyck developed a web of over seven hundred playgrounds scattered across the city. Of these hundreds of playgrounds you nowadays only find a few remaining play elements that have to share their space with new play equipment, many have completely disappeared and only seventeen playgrounds are still intact. The booklet 'Aldo van Eyck, Seventeen Playgrounds' is a pocket size tour guide that brings you to seventeen remaining playgrounds in the centre of Amsterdam. While you are moving from one playground to the next, you will get to know more about the city, Aldo van Eyck and his ideas about designing for children.