Modernes Sachsen : Gestaltung in der experimentellen Tradition

The publication for the Bauhaus centenary in 2019 focuses on experimental design spaces in Saxony following in the tradition of the Bauhaus and modernism. The book highlights three sites: the factory, the museum, and the city. The application of the arts in the serial manufacture of products such as lamps from Leipzig, glass from Weißwasser, or furniture from Hellerau helped define the Bauhaus in Saxony. What happens in the transition from craft object to massproduced item? In the factories of Saxony the Bauhaus came into contact with regional industry, which was interested in the high-quality design of its products. Today these products can also be found in the state’s museums. How do museums respond to the legacy of the Bauhaus and modernism? Experimental spaces can now also be found in the realm of urban design: Is the Bauhaus tradition still important today? Contributions: Regina Bittner, Gerda Breuer, Tulga Beyerle, Friedrich von Borries, Birgit Dalbajewa, Lutz Dammbeck, Werner Durth, Kai-Uwe Hemken, Claudia Klinkenbusch, Hans-Georg Lippert, Werner Möller, Stefan Rettich, Patrick Rössler, Walter Scheiffele, Franciska Zólyom, a. o. H1: In der Fabrik H2: Im Museum H3: In der Stadt H4: In Aktion

Modernes Sachsen : Gestaltung in der experimentellen Tradition

The publication for the Bauhaus centenary in 2019 focuses on experimental design spaces in Saxony following in the tradition of the Bauhaus and modernism. The book highlights three sites: the factory, the museum, and the city. The application of the arts in the serial manufacture of products such as lamps from Leipzig, glass from Weißwasser, or furniture from Hellerau helped define the Bauhaus in Saxony. What happens in the transition from craft object to massproduced item? In the factories of Saxony the Bauhaus came into contact with regional industry, which was interested in the high-quality design of its products. Today these products can also be found in the state’s museums. How do museums respond to the legacy of the Bauhaus and modernism? Experimental spaces can now also be found in the realm of urban design: Is the Bauhaus tradition still important today? Contributions: Regina Bittner, Gerda Breuer, Tulga Beyerle, Friedrich von Borries, Birgit Dalbajewa, Lutz Dammbeck, Werner Durth, Kai-Uwe Hemken, Claudia Klinkenbusch, Hans-Georg Lippert, Werner Möller, Stefan Rettich, Patrick Rössler, Walter Scheiffele, Franciska Zólyom, a. o. H1: In der Fabrik H2: Im Museum H3: In der Stadt H4: In Aktion