Balthazar Korab : architect of photography

Balthazar Korab's passing at the age of eighty-six was met by a deep appreciation for his work and a tremendous outpouring of affection for his gentle spirit. As one of the most prolific and celebrated architectural photographers, Korab captured images as graceful and elegant as his subjects. His iconic photographs for master architects immortalized their finest works, while leaving his own indelible impact on twentieth-century visual culture. Now available in paperback, author John Comazzi's riveting illustrated biography traces Korab's'circuitous path from a forced exodus from his native Hungary to an architectural education at the famed Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris and emigration to the United States, where he launched his career as Eero Saarinen's on-staff photographer. Balthazar Korab includes a portfolio of more than one hundred images from Korab's commissioned architectural photography as well as close examinations of Eero Saarinen's TWA Terminal and the Miller House in Columbus, IN.

Balthazar Korab : architect of photography

Balthazar Korab's passing at the age of eighty-six was met by a deep appreciation for his work and a tremendous outpouring of affection for his gentle spirit. As one of the most prolific and celebrated architectural photographers, Korab captured images as graceful and elegant as his subjects. His iconic photographs for master architects immortalized their finest works, while leaving his own indelible impact on twentieth-century visual culture. Now available in paperback, author John Comazzi's riveting illustrated biography traces Korab's'circuitous path from a forced exodus from his native Hungary to an architectural education at the famed Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris and emigration to the United States, where he launched his career as Eero Saarinen's on-staff photographer. Balthazar Korab includes a portfolio of more than one hundred images from Korab's commissioned architectural photography as well as close examinations of Eero Saarinen's TWA Terminal and the Miller House in Columbus, IN.