Acoustic.Space : Akustikā Telpa : [for new media, culture and internet broadcaster network]

ACOUSTIC.SPACE is an annual printed magazine on and new media culture that has been published since 1998 by E-LAB (Riga, Latvia) in connection with the Xchange Net.Audio Network and its mailing list. Acoustic.Space contains reports about international events, theoretical texts as well as information about experimental and artistic online audio and initiatives from all over the world. It also introduces local and regional new media culture initiatives and networks, primarly in the Baltic Sea region and North-East Europe.

Acoustic.Space : Akustikā Telpa : [for new media, culture and internet broadcaster network]

ACOUSTIC.SPACE is an annual printed magazine on and new media culture that has been published since 1998 by E-LAB (Riga, Latvia) in connection with the Xchange Net.Audio Network and its mailing list. Acoustic.Space contains reports about international events, theoretical texts as well as information about experimental and artistic online audio and initiatives from all over the world. It also introduces local and regional new media culture initiatives and networks, primarly in the Baltic Sea region and North-East Europe.